How to: Reactivation Email Campaigns
Email marketing is a huge task for digital marketers. Emails are the way you communicate with people about company updates, sales, special offers, press releases, newsletters, and more. It’s one thing to have a healthy subscriber list and open rate, but it is another to have people actually engage with your emails. Getting those subscribers […]

A Guide to A/B Testing
When you are trying to figure out which tactics work for digital marketing, it is commonly suggested that you run A/B tests. This can give you a better picture of what your target audience responds to and how to capture their attention better. A/B testing can be used in a variety of ways. You can […]

Building a Successful Video Marketing Campaign
Videos have become an important tool in digital marketing. They are eye catching, finger-stopping, and engaging. People are much more likely to stop and watch an engaging video ad on Facebook, Twitter, or in the sidebar of a webpage than they are to stop and read a link ad. Building an effective video marketing campaign […]

Creative Lead Generation
Lead generation is a vitally important part of a digital marketing strategy. If you don’t have leads, people don’t get your emails. Emails generate sales, foster public relations, and give you a place to talk to your customer. Having leads for those emails is a must. Getting new leads can sometimes be difficult. More and […]

Facebook Posts: There is No Ideal Time
When Facebook started to be a tool for digital marketers, there was a whole slew of data that came out about ideal posting times. Each digital marketing consulting company had a different time of day and day of the week that they designated the “ideal posting time.” These were supposed to be the times when […]

Getting Profit from Facebook Ads
Facebook is a powerful tool for digital marketers. From communicating to customers and getting their feedback to getting more fans and spreading the word about your business, Facebook has changed the digital marketing landscape. Facebook advertising has been a large player in that change. Once the social media platform started to charge brands to communicate […]

How Gmail Tabs Impact Email Marketing
2013 brought about some changes for Gmail. They introduced Gmail Tabs. These tabs were designed to make Gmail users inboxes less hectic and easier to manage. Essentially, tabs divided all of your Gmail messages into five sections: Primary, Social, Updates, Promotions, and Forums. Primary was for any direct person to person communication. Social was for […]

How to Help Your Content “Go Viral”
As a digital marketer, one of the biggest things you can hope for with your content is that it goes “viral.” Viral is a social media and internet term that has been widely used and abused in the digital marketing world as the principle behind viral is much simpler than many people lead you to […]

How to Improve Your Email Marketing
Email marketing has become more and more challenging over the last few years. With people signing up for multiple email accounts, Gmail changing where your messages go, and more people deleting your emails than opening them, running a successful email marketing campaign requires a lot of work. There are a few ways that you can […]

How to Make Your Content Stand Out
The digital world is pretty saturated with content. Digital marketing is the way of the future and every single business, whether they are direct competitors or not compete with each other for digital space. People have online content flung at them everywhere. From their email inboxes and social media feeds to display ads on their […]