4 Reasons to Integrate Podcasts into Your Content Marketing Strategy
Podcasts offer a unique marketing opportunity because they don’t offer a commercial break. While there are video podcasts with the chance for visuals, most fully rely on audio. This platform makes any advertisement messages a part of the show. With the lack of traditional breaks for advertising as you would hear, for instance, on a […]

5 Elements that Are Impacting Your Organic Click-Through Rates
Click-through rates are a key metric involved with optimizing Pay-per-click ads (PPC). Click-through rates are not interchangeable with PPC or paid search ads. You probably think that your organic search results are simply a consequence of your current ranking position. However, you have much more control over this. Click-through rates can be optimized to return […]

A Halt in Traffic: Lack of Reviews is Effecting Your Business and Here’s Why
Reviews are a great way for your customers to get an idea of what your customer service is like. Through reviews, they know what services your offer, how well you offer them, and the quality of your products without even leaving their home. Reviews are also a valuable tool for a business to know what […]

6 Ways to Improve Your Email’s Subject Lines
Massive email marketing campaigns are a great way to get more eyes on your newsletter or website since you can reach thousands of people at once. However, your campaign won’t be successful if nobody opens your message. According to Madison Logic, over 122 billion emails are sent an hour, so knowing how to stand out […]

9 Awesome Tools to Help Your Twitter Game
With over 328 monthly active users, it’s hard not to acknowledge the power and popularity of one of the world’s most prominent social media platforms. The microblogging trend has taken the internet by storm and it’s easy for anyone to follow their favorite brands and celebrities from the ease of their phone. You too can […]

Make Cold Emails Work for You
Cold emailing is not as awkward as cold calling, but it still can be a frightening thing to do. A well-written cold email could be the key you need to get into contact with employers, celebrities, speakers, and just about anyone else you want to contact. You might be trying to reach out to one […]

Online Marketing Myths You Probably Believe
Marketing online is already incredibly difficult. Sure, you have the entirety of the internet to appeal to, but it also means that you’re competing against countless other online marketers. The internet is a vast place and standing out against a sea of competitors isn’t an easy feat, but a successful online marketing campaign can easily […]

What Is People-Based Marketing?
Marketing is all about reaching people and all marketers want to find out how to reach the greatest amount of people with the smallest amount of effort. This often means sending the same generic message to hundreds, if not thousands, or people. However, everyone is unique and therefore has unique needs. What is relevant to […]

Improve Your Email Marketing with a Marketing Funnel
What is a Marketing Funnel? The idea of a funnel is used to illustrate the process a potential client goes through as they become familiar with your products or services. Visually, clients enter the funnel at the widest part, the top, then proceed to descend, stage by stage, leaving at the level they lose interest. […]

Knowing the How’s and Why’s of Your Blog Posting Options
These days it seems like everyone has a blog. whether it’s an outlet to type out our inner musings of the world today or to let people into a part of our lives we would have difficulty discussing out loud, there a never-ending number of reasons to start one. If you own a small business, […]