Increase Your Marketing Exposure with Amazon’s FBA
Most of us know by now that Amazon is the largest online retailer. People often go directly to Amazon when considering a purchase before searching anywhere else. And, when they do implement a search, Amazon’s extensive marketing and SEO techniques usually bring them to the top of the search results. So, why not take advantage […]

Kristine Ciesinski’s Journey from a World Renowned Soprano to a Glider Pilot to an Entrepreneur..
I’m writing this blog 2-days late as it so happens that I was caught up in the Tropical Storm Nate. So we didn’t have any power here in Costa Rica. I’m actually quite fortunate to just catch the tail end of this storm as it’s now turning into a hurricane and has sadly already claimed 23 lives. So my thoughts and prayers go out to […]

Increase Your Traffic with Improved Image Names
We all know the old cliché, “A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.” From the oldest cave paintings and Egyptian hieroglyphs to today’s social media shares, we are consistently finding new ways to use images to communicate, tell stories, and make sales. When it comes to e-commerce, companies like Amazon owe a large part of their […]

This is Steven & Jane Piccinonno
Today I got to chat with Steven & Jane Piccinonno here at the Diamond Mastermind. When they retired after working as Letter Carriers for the Postal Service for almost 30 years, they realized that they didn’t have enough money to give them the kind of retirement they desired. Steve & Jane were not someone to give up on their […]

I’m Here In Costa Rica For The Diamond Mastermind
Hey Guys, I’m here in Costa Rica attending a Diamond Mastermind, looking forward to rubbing shoulders & learn from some of the best in the industry. Next few days I’ll be sharing with you wisdom & nuggets I get from these highly successful entrepreneurs. I’ll also share with you stories of some of the budding entrepreneurs who are here […]

Online Marketing on a Budget
Marketing is one of the single most important things you need to do to succeed in the business world. The problem? It can use a lot of cash to make it work. For an entrepreneur just getting started, marketing budgets can often be practically non-existent. Fortunately, the age of the Internet has made it easier […]

Virtual Assistants-Taking Your Online Marketing to the Next Level
In this era of the Digital Age, more and more people are turning to the Internet to increase their marketing exposure. The problem? Every day the ways to use online marketing seem to grow exponentially. In one blog post at Wordstream.com, they offer a guide to the top 99 Online Marketing Tools. You read that right, 99! […]

Business Funnels–Marketing and Sales–What’s the Difference?
Marketing Funnel A system that assists in tracking the steps potential clients move through to before ultimately making a decision on the purchase of goods, or use of services. Marketing funnels let you see at each step what you need to do to influence potential clients toward the end goal, turning them into actual clients. […]

Choosing the Most Effective Social Media Posting Times
It never fails, you received a free eBook and get excited to read about the latest, and best, way to utilized Social Media posting for your business. You hungrily tear through the information and then re-write your marketing plan to implement this new strategy only to receive entirely different information the next day, week, month, […]

5 Ways to Find Content to Share on Social Media
If you want to succeed with internet marketing, you need to make the most of the social media landscape. This means attracting more followers with the help of shared content. Curated content, or found content, should comprise the majority of your social media posts. The profiles that only put out promotional posts never gain traction. […]